Monday, December 17, 2007

How to do looping in ASP

How to do looping in ASP

S T E P - 1

Open a new text file. Type in the following codes:


Dim intLoop 'Create a new varaible

For intLoop = 1 to 5 'Doing the looping

cResponse.write("This is loop " & intLoop & "
'show it

Next ' Continue perform the looping


S T E P - 2

You can also use ASP program to generate the HTML codes.


Dim intLoop 'Create a new varaible

Dim strText

For intLoop = 1 to 5 'Doing the looping

strText = "" 'For this example, we increase the font size by modify the HTML code.

strText = strText & "This is loop " & intLoop & "

Response.write(strText) 'show it

Next ' Continue perform the looping


This is the output screen:

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