Monday, December 17, 2007

How to avoid problem when using Apostrophe in a SQL command

How to avoid problem when using Apostrophe in a SQL command

S T E P - 1

- For example, we need to add a text "He's car" by using SQL command.

S T E P - 2

- When you use the SQL Command:


strSQL = "Insert into pComment (Comment) values('He's car... ')"

oConn.Execute strSQL


- This will get problem when you use the Insert command:

S T E P - 3

- How to solve the Apostrophe (') problem by using the CHR() function?

- Below is the solution:


strSQL = "Insert into pComment (Comment) values('He" & chr(39) & "s car... ')"

oConn.Execute strSQL


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