Monday, December 17, 2007

How to edit a record in the table (Using SQL command)

How to edit a record in the table (Using SQL command)

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- We need to create a Connection:


Dim oConn

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

oConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")


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- Use .Execute method to perform the SQL command:


Dim strSQL

strSQL = "UPDATE member SET " & _

"'Email='" & Request.Form("Email") & _

"', Gender='" & Request.Form("Gender") & _

"', AccessLevel='" & Request.Form("AccessLevel") & _

"' WHERE MemberID='" & Request.Form("MemberID") & "';"

oConn.Execute strSQL


Set oConn = Nothing


How to collect the value of a multiple values from HTML Check Box

How to collect the value of a multiple values from HTML Check Box

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- When you use some Check Boxes in your HTML form, they are using the same name but different values:





- When you send the form, the Form collection will generate a multi-value option for the CheckBox.

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- Now, we can use For..loop to get the multi values:


If Request.form("SameName").Count Then

For intLoop = 1 to Request.form("SameName").Count

Response.write (intLoop & ". " & Request.form("SameName")(intLoop) & "


End If


How to make the Cookies more secure

How to make the Cookies more secure

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- We can setup the Cookies that only your web server can accept it:


Response.cookies("YourCookies").domain = "/"


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- The path (or folder) can also use it:


Response.cookies("YourCookies").domain = "/myAsp"


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- We can set the Cookies which can only transfer to the web server by using the SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) :


Response.cookies("YourCookies").secure = True


How to make the Cookies more secure

How to make the Cookies more secure

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- We can setup the Cookies that only your web server can accept it:


Response.cookies("YourCookies").domain = "/"


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- The path (or folder) can also use it:


Response.cookies("YourCookies").domain = "/myAsp"


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- We can set the Cookies which can only transfer to the web server by using the SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) :


Response.cookies("YourCookies").secure = True
